50: SUPERNATURAL STUFF: Timeslips in Liverpool, plus the Kaikoura UFO incident

On Eavesdroppin’ comedy podcast this week, Geordie & Michelle look at supernatural stuff… Do you know what a timeslip is? It’s where you’re minding your own business, then all of a sudden you’re in the same place but it’s a different century! It happens and this week Geordie looks at a load of timeslips that…

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47: ALIEN ENCOUNTERS: The Manhattan Alien Abduction recap, plus celebrity alien experiences

On Eavesdroppin’ comedy podcast this week, Geordie & Michelle talk aliens… In 1989, a woman called Linda Napolitano claimed aliens levitated her out of the window of her Manhattan apartment, beamed her up into their spaceship and experimented on her. What happened next? Appearances on Oprah. Men in Black. Further abductions. Her kid being abducted….

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34: PATREON PICKS: Psychic dogs, global near misses, celebrity stalkers & Neil the Scientist

Hello, Eavesdroppers – we’ve got a Patreon special for you this week! Each month over on Patreon, Geordie and Michelle drop all the show links, telly recs and bits about the episode along with a monthly piece of extra content! And this week, we give you a taste of what’s behind the paywall with extracts…

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29: HAUNTING OR HOAX? The Snedecker Haunting in Connecticut plus the UFO sightings at Broad Haven

On Eavesdroppin’ comedy podcast this week, Geordie & Michelle look at supernatural stuff – the Snedecker haunting and the mass UFO sighting at Broad Haven… Would you move into a house that used to be a funeral parlour? In 1986, the Snedeker family were excited to move into their new home in Southington, Connecticut. Except…

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20: ALIENS & UFOS: Australia’s lost X Files, Devils Den abduction, Rendlesham solved and more!

On Eavesdroppin’ comedy podcast this week, hosts Geordie & Michelle discuss aliens, UFOs, abductions and more! Back in 20111, The Sydney Morning Herald asked the Australian government to release information on UFOs under the Freedom of Information Act. The government said all the files were lost. WTF?! This week Michelle looks into the missing documents…

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18: SUPERNATURAL STUFF: The poltergeist of Humpty Doo, aliens, Charly Haub, the ghost of Zone Heaster Shue and more!

On Eavesdroppin’ comedy podcast this week, hosts Geordie & Michelle discuss supernatural weirdness, general weirdness, a ghost who solved her own murder and some story updates… Ever heard of the poltergeist of Humpty Doo? When gravel started raining down from inside the home of Andrew and Kirsty Agius, they thought it was werid. When knives…

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8: PARANORMAL BITSA: Supernatural sighting or mental-health concern? Plus UFOs, aliens, NDEs and more!

This week on Eavesdroppin’ comedy podcast, hosts Geordie & Michelle get supernatural… Ever wondered how many therapists have encountered clients who are troubled by the paranormal? And if that happens, how do the therapists deal with it? Geordie investigates the line between seeing a ghost and a mental-health issue. Plus thoughts on hospitals and hospices…

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48: REAL OR HOAX: The Valensole UFO incident, Men In Black, naughty aliens and more!

This week on Eavesdroppin’ comedy podcast: France’s highest-profile alien-visitation case and Men In Black… In 1965, a farmer called Maurice Massey from Valensole in France witnessed aliens in his lavender fields and a small UFO. Or did he…? Listen to find out! Geordie then looks at Men In Black – are they real? Are they…

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40: NASA UFO DISCLOSURES: Whistleblower David Grusch, aliens & ontological shock

Eavesdroppin’ hosts Geordie & Michelle dig deep into the recent NASA UFO disclosures to question – what’s really going on? Does the American government have alien biologics? And why don’t aliens wear space suits? Hot on the 5 revelations about the NASA UFO public meeting: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65729356 More revelations about the NASA UFO public meeting: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-12148703/amp/Five-revelations-NASAs-public-meeting.html…

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26: UFOS & PSYCHICS: The UFO that landed in Vegas plus psychic Tyler Henry’s brain scan while reading Steve O

Hello, Eavesdroppers! This week on Eavesdroppin’… UFO lands in Las Vegas… UFO whistleblower says the US government has alien spacecraft… What is going on? In June 2023, the Gomez family say a UFO crashed into their backyards and they saw 10ft tall aliens with shiny eyes looking at them. What did they see? Is it…

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