Real Life Stories

Why is Scott Morrisson called Scotty from Marketing?

So, one day Geordie called Michelle and said, my friend Jo… And Michelle said, the Jo who saw you levitate? And Geordie said, yes, that Jo. So Geordie then says, so Jo sent me a link to a 4 Corners doco in Australia all about ScoMo (aka the Australian prime minister Scott Morrisson) and Hillsong…

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How did we end up talking about UFOs & fake meat in the same episode??

Do you read newspapers? Honestly, the last time Michelle picked up a newspaper was the free one on the Tube about 2 years ago and since then… nuthin’. In fact, when Geordie asked her to do a video scrunching up a newspaper, she couldn’t even find one. It’s not that we don’t like reading the…

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Allen V. Farrow – what a messy situation

Allen V Farrow: Remind us again why we wanted to cover this case? đŸ˜© When Mia Farrow accused Woody Allen in 1992 of sexually abusing their 7 year old adopted daughter Dylan Farrow, shit hit the fan. Here were two of the biggest celebrities in the world going head to head in a shocking scenario…

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Why we wanted to cover Australia’s Forced Adoption Scandal

OK, so this one is close to our hearts… We had this topic on our future-episode list for some time but somehow we always had other things to cover… like murder, hoarding and fairies. And then, we discussed doing a podcast on The Allen V Farrow case but we quickly realised we didn’t have enough time…

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POLTERGEISTS aka Spooky Boys innit

Poltergeists: We love a scary story and it doesn’t get much scarier than these three crazy ghost stories, all set in London, all about to scare the tits off ya! So, we start off with the weird tale of Alma Fielding and the Thornton Heath Poltergeist… it’s from 1930 and we dug up the front…

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