Lizard People

14: CULTS, TRUE CRIME & ACTS OF GOD: Pastor Kevin Smith & the lizard cult murder

It’s True Crime this week but with a twist… Hello Eavesdroppers and welcome to the episode where we talk about cults, acts of God, aliens, murder and lizard people! Really, you can’t make this stuff up…
After a quick chat about grammar and ‘blue ice’ (…

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9: THE ILLUMINATI & MELISSA CADDICK UPDATE: conspiracy theories, lizardpeople, Operation Mindfuck, Bruce Forsyth & more!

It’s a hot mess of info this week on Eavesdroppin’ as Geordie & Michelle go rogue with two different themes: Eavesdroppin’ updates and the Illuminati!
Remember a few episodes back when neither Geordie or Michelle could remember the big daddy of all secre…

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