Brian Cox

25: TIME TRAVEL & THE MULTIVERSE: Super Massive Black Holes, oumuamua, Matt Haig, Time Slips, Time Dilation & more…

My God, it’s full of stars… Thanks Hal… How beautiful is that? Yes, this week we get sciencey and oh, how our minds are scrambled! This episode Geordie & Michelle look at quantum-y things like the multiverse, time travel and more, starting with Geordie’s…

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15: PSYCHICS: True crime psychic detectives, Tyler Henry, Brian Cox & more!

Hello, Eavesdroppers! This episode we delve into the otherworldly realm of psychic encounters, with true crime tales of psychic detectives, psychics that communicate with the dead, Hollywood psychics and more…
But first up, Geordie talks to new Eavesdr…

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