Battersea Haunting

POLTERGEISTS aka Spooky Boys innit

Poltergeists: We love a scary story and it doesn’t get much scarier than these three crazy ghost stories, all set in London, all about to scare the tits off ya! So, we start off with the weird tale of Alma Fielding and the Thornton Heath Poltergeist… it’s from 1930 and we dug up the front…

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15: LONDON POLTERGEISTS: The Enfield, Battersea and Thornton Heath Hauntings

Poltergeists: does anyone even call them that anymore? This week, Geordie & Michelle look at three scary London hauntings from the 1930s, the 1950s and the 1970s… But only after Geordie does a swear, there’s a brief mention of Eavesdroppin’ Patron Sain…

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