32: ATOM BOMBS & NUCLEAR TESTING: Maralinga, Marshall Islands, blowing sh*t up & more!

ATOM BOMBS & NUCLEAR TESTING: Maralinga, Marshall Islands, Bikini Atoll, plutonium, blowing sh*t up, betrayal, political intrigue, conspiracies, restricted documents, body snatching, secret projects, human guinea pics (and actual guinea pigs), secrets, lies and more – yes, you’re  Eavesdroppin’ on the Atom Bomb and nuclear testing episode!

Why did the American government test dangerous atom bombs on the Marshall Islands? How did it effect the people living there? Is it all cleaned up? What are the consequences? And where exactly are the Marshall Islands??

How on earth did Australia get mixed up in atomic testing at Maralinga? How are the Americans and Brits involved? What has Woomera got to do with it? What are the ongoing environmental concerns of the testing? What did Australia get out of it all? And what the hell is Project Sunshine? 

People, it’s a hot potato of an episode and one you won’t want to miss, especially as Michelle say Bwwwitain, there’s talk about Love Island, YouTube trolls and Nenish Tarts for Smoko… Get Eavesdroppin’!

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Want more Eavesdroppin’? Listen to our podcast on the declassified Pentagon UFO reports here!


Great article all about more than 75 years on, the American atomic testing in the Pacific still has consequences: https://theconversation.com/75-years-after-nuclear-testing-in-the-pacific-began-the-fallout-continues-to-wreak-havoc-158208

Another great article on how the Americans duped the Marshall Islands into offering up their land for testing and a look at the concrete dome Geordie talked about: https://www.latimes.com/projects/marshall-islands-nuclear-testing-sea-level-rise/

What it’s like to go walkabout at Maralinga: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-03-24/maralinga-nuclear-tests-ground-zero-lesser-known-history/11882608

Fantastic article from New Scientist from 1993 outlining how Australia was fighting the UK government to get Maralinga cleaned up: https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg13818772-700/

1957 news reel about Maralinga and Project Buffalo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0MgVjCEwd0

Maralinga basic info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maralinga

More on the McClelland Royal Commission: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McClelland_Royal_Commission

Learn about Project Sunshine here: https://abcnews.go.com/International/story?id=80970&page=1

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